Thursday, September 23, 2010

Has Pokemon World Online Be Released For Mac


Taka prkotina, but as pleased when your kid to say. Our Nina could not pronounce correctly R. Learned to be so bad. HR throats. In September a year ago, we started going to speech therapy. Even then it was too late, but you already. And there it was found that slut has a problem with L, only it also simulates. So given language exercises, because it had lemravy language. I would not believe in life, it is possible, but you could not even properly lick the top and bottom lip. Within two months, the L learned to speak correctly. Rku I matched any other 2 months. I was sorely wrong. In the brain it is so hard nadrotovane that are very difficult oduct. It was gradually, miscellaneous compensation and combined with letters. This week Nina was already able to finally say R alone. We really vyteseni. Este problem we train with combinations of consonants, but it already goes. Este although forgotten in everyday speech often say it wrong and L, although he knows it long ago. Strange we are at a stage where it is at every second word and draw attention to a second and tell him correctly. I hope that we further into September already and this problem will be solved:)

Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 Online

shorts with Minister

Another famous my friend, shorts, was in the media. Trunks provide the public, both public and private sphere system for electronic auctions. Last time, our government has sent this letter . Subsequently attended a meeting with some ministries. Here is record of the meeting with Figel . What I was last with busta shorts, so it apparently promising converging, and in state-owned companies. Let's see if we can save our brass something.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Maxi Mounds Candy Bar

YAMADORI Carpinus Betulus

32 cm diameter trunk / mobile photo /

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Champix India Availability

Balkan 2010

This year, I somehow found myself at the geographical excursion department of geography in Kosice. Tono this time, as the only teacher, took on the fly Balkan. Besides the students there, we were 6 externs. Better to say other than students, because those few are over 20 and only a few guys. With external, we have created gay groups, was between us and Robo from last year. And of course sofer Oto and Lubo, who have known of still in Russia.

Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid, veèer v kempe

In this paper, only some pictures, who would be interested can take a look entire photo album, where I picked it over.


from Kosice we quickly rezli to Belgrade, then stop in Kragujevac. From there, across Serbia through significant monastery registered in UNESCO. We circumvent Kosovo and we got to Macedonia. In Skopje we look beautiful Mother dam in the canyon with unique caves. Further experience was huge Ohrid Lake and the ancient city of Ohrid. On the way home we still visited the capital city of Skopje.

View Balkan 2010 in a larger map


North Serbia - Vojvodina - the plane itself. The Danube flows through the fertile fields among the ropes. And orchards, everywhere is just so modrelo plums. And our brothers south schasnovat truly know how these gifts of nature.


We started a spring in the center of the confluence of the Sava and Danube. Mountain fortress with a Turkish name bears park Kalemegdan. From there is amazing view of the city. We met there with our compatriot Ana, who studied in Kosice and pointed us to the city. Finally, stayed with us until the end of the road.

Srbsko 2010, Belehrad, Kalemegdan Srbsko 2010, Belehrad, Kalemegdan
Srbsko 2010, Belehrad, Kalemegdan Srbsko 2010, Belehrad, Kalemegdan
Srbsko 2010, Belehrad, Kalemegdan Srbsko 2010, Belehrad, Kalemegdan
Srbsko 2010, Belehrad, Kalemegdan Srbsko 2010, Belehrad, Kalemegdan
Srbsko 2010, Belehrad Srbsko 2010, Belehrad, Skadarlija
Srbsko 2010, Belehrad Srbsko 2010, Belehrad

evening we zabivakovali Ankinych parents at the nearby town of Stara Paz. It was for me to experience. The city has 15,000 inhabitants, of whom 6000 Slovaks. This year celebrating 240 years since his arrival. Pokecali we slovenconou beautiful than me Janco Slota and the excellent sausage we hit plum brandy. Everything domestic production. Podozvedali We really interesting things about our countrymen. For example, although it is not a rule but typically Slovak house in Vojvodina has light blue. It has to do with the color of uniforms that you wore Slovak soldiers for Maria Theresa.

Srbsko 2010, Stara Pazova

We are spread in the courtyard, right in the piggy. It was romance.

Srbsko 2010, Stara Pazova Srbsko 2010, Stara Pazova

morning we headed to the city of Kragujevac. We stopped above the town, where a large park that serves as a memorial to victims of wars. Top is nice to see the whole city. Moreover, there is the monument of 44 Slovak soldiers who were executed in 1918, refused to fight because Slavic brother. Surely many of you know the film classic Forty that about deals.

Srbsko 2010, Kragujevac Srbsko 2010, Kragujevac
Srbsko 2010, Kragujevac

I forgot to mention that after all the time we had beautiful weather. Too much. In the piece we were sticky from the sweltering, although the bus had air-conditioning on. Therefore, fell just below the lake suitable memorial.

Srbsko 2010, Kragujevac

following two days we visited four Orthodox monasteries. Some are registered in UNESCO, all are active and set in picturesque nature. Indeed, the genius loci of these points consists in the environment for hundreds of years old frescoes and divine peace. While this is very Studaci valuation, boring, but I enjoyed it. I will not here to describe each one separately, only to be replaced.


Srbsko 2010, kláštor Žièa Srbsko 2010, kláštor Žièa


beautiful setting in the mountains, and there are bivouacking.

Srbsko 2010, klášor Studenica Srbsko 2010, klášor Studenica
Srbsko 2010, klášor Studenica Srbsko 2010, klášor Studenica


Srbsko 2010, kláštor Sopoèani Srbsko 2010, kláštor Sopoèani

Djurdjevi columns

Dominanta the buckles, bolo odtial visible case of Kosovo.

Srbsko 2010, kláštor Djurdjevi Stupovi Srbsko 2010, kláštor Djurdjevi Stupovi

You're pozriet case interactive panorama .

Novi Pazar

Svatuskarenia was enough, there in the south already are moving in the abundance of Muslims. It was well seen in the town of Novi Pazar, where mosques and Turkish influence could not be overlooked.

Srbsko 2010, Novi Pazar Srbsko 2010, Novi Pazar

did not give me the city center and I also shot interactive panorama .


Moving to Macedonia and Kosovo, we circumvented smykli we through mountain Kopaonik. This amazing national park resembles Low Tatras. We passed there the "senior" to hike Kopcok Gobelja.

Srbsko 2010, Gobelja v pohorí Kopaonik

Srbsko 2010, Gobelja v pohorí Kopaonik Srbsko 2010, Gobelja v pohorí Kopaonik


in the foothills, still on the Serbian side, meadow behind the house he recently opened a camp guy. We were probably first visitors. Teren still not well prepared, but at least there was beer stand with a nice outhouse. In the morning we frcali to Macedonia.

Staro Nagoricane

small village road, there is the church of St.. George.

Macedónsko 2010, kostol sv. Juraja, Staro Nagorièane

Reservoir Dam

Macedónsko 2010, jazero Treska pri Glumove Near Skopje we zabivakovali The recreation complex Cod. There were pools and artificial lake.

was a starting point for the next day, when we went on a hike to the dam on River Cod Mother. In Macedonia was seen even greater representation of Muslims. Stihl minarets CNEL is the sky like missiles at Baikonur. Through such a Muslim-Christian village Glumovo we went along the river from the dam. Vymakli SME just some great saint, so everywhere was a lot of nation, because there are many places of pilgrimage. But only the dam.

Macedónsko 2010, priehrada Matka Macedónsko 2010, priehrada Matka

for the dam were waiting for us pleasant shock. Beautiful scenery More kilometer canyon, which is packed with caves. This is called a paradise here and caving. There is also an underwater cave warmly, in which divers hold european record depth, some 280 m. Guy just caught us speaking Slovak. Turns out that he lives in Blava, only in summer entrepreneur with a sightseeing cruise. He made us and so the price of a few minutes we sat in the boats and went to see Grotto warmly. It was worth it.

Macedónsko 2010, priehrada Matka Macedónsko 2010, priehrada Matka
Macedónsko 2010, priehrada Matka Macedónsko 2010, priehrada Matka

Over underwater cave is also warmly taka mini cave with bats, there we have it obzreli.

Macedónsko 2010, priehrada Matka, jaskyòa Vrelo Macedónsko 2010, priehrada Matka, jaskyòa Vrelo

warmly means spring. This is because there spewing fountain below the river water and there da pit. Clnmajster we also demonstrated. The water there is crystal clear and scerena (photo left). Is located right next to the entrance to the cave warmly, which is a few meters below the surface, but the crystal water can be seen (photo right).

Macedónsko 2010, priehrada Matka, podvodný pramen Macedónsko 2010, priehrada Matka, vstup do podvodnej jaskyne

Ohrid (Ohrid) and the Ohrid Lake

Macedónsko 2010, Ochridské jazero Sofer had ordered 24-hour break, so we settled for 2 nights in the southern city of Ohrid in the camp near the lake. It was a good move, because I have no idea that we are at sea. Although we were not, but it looked so. The lake is huge and unique. I can not see the other side, its maximum depth is now measured 312 mA taka water is crystal clear, from fellow diver would be mad with joy - the visibility of 20 m.

Macedónsko 2010, Ochridské jazero

Immediately we have a swimming break and all day we pay the city of Ohrid. It starobile town with 42,000 inhabitants, strength and lots of monasteries and churches, not to mention the view from the hill. Top we met a group of Slovaks. It was a choir from Prievidza, to attend a traditional festival here. Supposedly afternoon sing down in the city in St.. Sofia.

Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid
Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid, Samuilsova pevnos Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid, Samuilsova pevnos
Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid, kláštor sv. Klimenta (sv. Pantelejmon) Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid, kostol sv. Jána v Kaneo

Po par hodinach na hradnom kopci, nas za eurac chlapik previezol lodkou do centra mesta.

Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid

Tam sme narazili na sv. Sofiu a hla, o 10 minut nastupili nasi. Perfektne nacasovanie a perfektny spev.

Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid, kostol sv. Sofie Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid, kostol sv. Sofie

rest of the day we preflakali the city. In the evening, was in camp on the terrace pijales. Bacik there played keyboards and dropped the microphone to the audience, the Balkan karaoke. It was super fun, to local, we also joined us. Tono, as an administrative leader, tipped baby from articles to the floor. At our local blonde parobci glued as snot. In the morning of the sixth, when we left in Skopje, we also had some problems scrape stray sheep into the fold.

Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid, veèer v kempe Macedónsko 2010, Ochrid, veèer v kempe

In Skopje we only stayed a few hours, so we watch it on an express train. Very nice city. In 1963 the town was destroyed by earthquake polka, so had to expose everything anew. Still with the team over. Stara Albanian district is picturesque. The new part is the memorial house of Mother Teresa that comes from. From the old station, destroyed by earthquake done museum. DISCONTINUED left on her clock, which dotikali the earthquake.

Macedónsko 2010, Skopje Macedónsko 2010, Skopje
Macedónsko 2010, Skopje Macedónsko 2010, Skopje
Macedónsko 2010, Skopje Macedónsko 2010, Skopje

And that was the end. From there we went straight home. Last night we slept with our friends abbot Slovaks in Old La Paz and the next day we were at home. It was hilarious action, just I still have a few resto in terms of tasting local specialties. I missed the all, next time I have to catch up.