Thursday, September 23, 2010

Has Pokemon World Online Be Released For Mac


Taka prkotina, but as pleased when your kid to say. Our Nina could not pronounce correctly R. Learned to be so bad. HR throats. In September a year ago, we started going to speech therapy. Even then it was too late, but you already. And there it was found that slut has a problem with L, only it also simulates. So given language exercises, because it had lemravy language. I would not believe in life, it is possible, but you could not even properly lick the top and bottom lip. Within two months, the L learned to speak correctly. Rku I matched any other 2 months. I was sorely wrong. In the brain it is so hard nadrotovane that are very difficult oduct. It was gradually, miscellaneous compensation and combined with letters. This week Nina was already able to finally say R alone. We really vyteseni. Este problem we train with combinations of consonants, but it already goes. Este although forgotten in everyday speech often say it wrong and L, although he knows it long ago. Strange we are at a stage where it is at every second word and draw attention to a second and tell him correctly. I hope that we further into September already and this problem will be solved:)


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