Saturday, April 30, 2011

Islamic Marriage Invitation Wordings-in Tamil

Concrete Swimmer

flaps on beer is asked from where I got the bronze on his face. Well, I was with CK Cimpotour Malta, respectively. Swimmers in the concrete. A good man that I am the bone, I took the Martin.

Wednesday and Thursday, we continued to the gazebo. First, we navozili 8 tons gross and fine aggregates and sand. A naskladali we already flagstones. Coarser Suter went straight into the hole and create a base layer of 15 cm.

Altánok, betónovanie Altánok, betónovanie

of fine gravel and sand, we produced six wheelbarrows of concrete. Flooded them we drilled holes into it and dwell on the future foot beams. Annoying robot when a man has no mixer.

Altánok, betónovanie Altánok, betónovanie

And I patched broken sidewalk Because of electricity, we've buried.

Altánok, betónovanie Altánok, betónovanie

Next day I borrow plate compactors and heavy metal could begin. It's ordinary cow and udupava great. First, the coarse gravel and then the gentle background, which you shoot Martin.

Altánok, betónovanie Altánok, betónovanie

at this moment already do nothing to prevent the concrete slab below the fireplace. We purchased a 6 mm Roxor and I bind them from fitting. Guy who sold it, show us the super trick Dž as too roxor seka. Stumble pickaxe vigorously with pointed frequently to the ground, and the grip. Therefore, protrudes above us waiting blade surface. To position nu roxor 2-3 times with a hammer and slams it. The iron to establish a deep notch and hands it simply breaking the shotgun. We flooded to 8 wheelbarrows of concrete and give you Fajront.

Altánok, betónovanie Altánok, betónovanie

splash into the future weeks before the start considered vyzreje and stones.

Can Gpsphoneopen .sna Files

Baking bread for 53 seconds

do now gazebo in your cottage and maybe something of which the "film", as once roof replacement. I needed therefore necessarily cast soft on netbook and test whether it works. So I click into baking bread in our bakery.

I venture to use the music from the brilliant soundtrack to an even more ingenious game The Neverhood .

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Okinawa Brazilian Wax

Iray - scratch

Hi all, recently I got into the hands demo version of 3ds max 2012 . This is a new version of 3ds max issued by Autodesk. One of the main innovations of the new integrated render Iray from Mental Images.

is a new tool for the creation of photorealistic and physical renderings to the right reached without any rendering sets of settings. Or so I decided to try on your own and share with you the results. Priravujem Iray the article so that you can look forward to a detailed analysis of the rendering system.

Here is my render results achieved with Iray

Monday, April 25, 2011

Kateplayground Do Hardcore

Modeling and visualization table III. Part - visualization using Mental Ray

third and unfortunately the last one being the continuation of this work to the modeling table and visualizing the two different rendering systems. As the table rendered with vray s we have already shown. This time presenting a renderer Mental Ray from Mental Images which is integrated rendering in 3ds Max.

setting for Mental Ray rendering system as we move into the 3ds Max rendering settings "F10" in the Common tab on the card and move on to the Assign Renderer Production where clicking on (...) select the mental ray renderer, and thus we opened the gate to this powerful visualization tool.

study to visualize formation table

inactive if we visualize a 3D object, so we must first decide where you want to visualize, therefore, in what environment. For the selection we have many options. We can visualize the object in its set up like environment. inactive bedroom, part or street manners potting visualize the object in a photograph or inactive visualize single product where the audience draws attention to the product without any disruption inactive object. So the object from the canvas and it is called Visualization Studio.

Like in real life as well as 3ds Max's studio is compiled. Background behind the subject will consist of a canvas object we will illuminate the artificial lights which provides us with Mental Ray. Our "camera" will in this case the object camera.

First, create a screen where you will place our object visualized. If you have a problem as the screen image so that I have already described in the tutorial 3D text in 3ds Max and V-ray . Click the link to get directly to the creation of the canvas.

The next step is to create lights that will illuminate our object. From the Create panel / Lights / Photometric choose a mr Sky Portal, and the sides as the picture you create 2 main lights so that they point to the center of our study .. Third, create a light object that will shed light on the screen. We ensure that we not create a dark spot in the middle of unlit screen .. Next, create a skylight (secondary beam), which sheds light from all sides and do not care where we put him into the scene.

this light we have finally set the parameters. Sidelight set the Multiplier value to 1.4 True light change the color of light on the value of 1.0 RGBA, 0,922, 0.8, 1.0, and the left light set color RGBA light on the value of 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0.

Middle us light that illuminates the screen parameter set multiplier to 0.65 and leave light color to white.

Light Skylight leave default value, ie 1.0 Multiplier checked with Sky Color choice where light color is white.

Finally, even create 8 mr Area Omni lights are spread around our two ručiek of drawers with a parameter value Multiplier to 0:13 in Karte Generals Parameters button to select exclude these 2 hands drawer and transfer their to the next list. (if you have merged with the drawers in podobjektovom mode element to select the ball and using their command detach disconnect in a separate building). Do not forget to top the list right indicate Include option, which ensures that our omni lights will illuminate only the hands. The world we have created because the light turned out weaker hands and would need to be illuminating.

Create Mental Ray material

Mental Ray offers a whole range of materials with which it closely. These are such. ProMaterials directly developed for mental ray. Their task is to imitate the real structure of the like. metal, wood and similar. Another material which works with mental ray is-om-Arch Design. Template contains materials that you can use for their visualization. Just use this material to visualize our table.

We walk into compact material editor "M". If you have a version of 3ds max 2011 and more so you can discover the slate material editor. The old compact material editor to switch by offering Modes / Compact material editor.

into the first slot (preview material) to put arch-design material (by clicking click Get Material - a horizontal row of icons).

We walk into the card Main material parameters and change the parameters of the Reflection Group on the Reflectivity value 0.2, the value of glossiness and 0:55 to 16 Glossy Samples

go through the Special Effects tab tick the option where Ambient Occlusion and max distance parameter set to 8 which Odav as far from the contact surfaces, this effect will operate. This effect cause us to darken the light where the contact area objects vid. Pictures:

before using Ambient Occlusion

After using Ambient Occlusion
Finally we move to the bookmarks in Special Purpose and General Maps Maps which add texture to an object

duct Bump - bumps put this bitmap in grayscale.

By Diffuse channel - color insert wood texture.

and final will Reflection color bitmap that indicates the grayscale power reflectivity. 0% black and white 100% reflectivity.

Finally, we create another material for our canvas. We will move into the second slot and there you get the key material of choice in Arch Design shader which only change a parameter in the group Reflection reflectivity to 0

applied, material and editing UVW maps we have seen in other parts of this tutorial and you can go nan here.

Exposure setting Mental Ray

Just as in the actual cameras you set exposure in 3ds Max's. Thus, the total amount of light that gets into our "camera" respectively. Sets the rendered image in the Environment and Effects window, which appears in the rendering menu or shortcut key "8".

We walk to the Environment tab in the tab where you select the Exposure Control from the popup type of exposure mr Photographic Exposure Control.

then change the option to Photographic Exposure set the parameters:
Shutter Speed \u200b\u200bat 0:03
Aperture (f-stop) to 4
and film speed (ISO) to 100

also Image Control group in the Možme adjust the contrast of colors:
Highlights (Burn) to 0.25
midtone to 0.65
and Shadows at 0:12

Set Rendering Mental Ray

Rendering is an important process that we have our spectacular work get to the final shape. Rendering is the process of smuggling of 3D data, but also materials and lights in a visual form of 2D image. It's still a computationally-intensive process and rendering images may take up to move my whole day. We'll show you how to set the rendering to achieve visual quality and a reasonable time rendering.

to set rendering in 3ds Max to get by pressing "F10" or menu Rendering / Render Setup ..

Just in the first tab you set the size of Common Rendering in 1000 x 500 px. Next we move to the bookmarks tab Renderer and Sampling Quality - filter to select the type of Mitchell which allows us to be sharper rendering.

We walk to the Indirect Illumination tab and tab Final Gather - Basic tick Enable Final Gather. Turn on the calculation of global illumination using mental ray. FG Precision Presets slider will move to Medium. This slider gives us render quality, the higher the value the team will have better quality but longer render time rendering. This slider also have the window in which you mental ray Rendering renders images / Rendered Frame Window. Finally FG Bounces - number of reflections of light set to a value of 3

The window settings using slider you can control the quality settings.
Precision Image (Antialiasing) - quality smoothing
Soft Shadow - the quality of soft shadows
Precision Final Gather - quality global illumination
Glossy Reflections Precision - Quality reflections
Glossy Refractions Precision - the quality and transparency of the light refraction.

and finally sub-Trace / Bounces Limits where you control over the number of reflections:
Max. Reflections: the maximum number of reflections
Max. Refractions: the maximum number of fractures of the light (how many times the light may pass through the object)
and FG Bounces where you set the number of reflections of light - usually a value of over 3 no longer make sense because the result will be minimal.

At this point we see the end of this part. Me remains the only hope that you have mastered all the steps on the first try .. If you are inactive the final render as a compliment to send your picture in the comments. Thank you for your attention and we look forward to the next tutorial.

Friday, April 22, 2011

2000 Collection Ring Scott Kay

dark times for earthworms

I'm going to do a cottage garden gazebo with fireplace. I started pretty zgruntu. There will be flagging, so I need to dig foundations for sub-base. A lamb or It goes without having recourse will be, it will not work without electricity. On Monday, we thus accrued with Martin and dug a groove for the cable. It is about 15 m from the house, most softened Martin. Me at work managed to break the verve ryl. Neighbor next door is an electrician, I changed the cabinets and stretched cable.

Altánok, kopanie základov. Altánok, kopanie základov.

With Martin, we played well for the paramedics. Dig in, we ascertained which way to know exactly sewage, so I missed it in the concrete pillars. We took a thin iron rod and tingling in the ground we have found successful. Rura is a little tighter than I expected, but will be data.

I I have since been odkopavat overgrown layer from the next terrace. On the second day I already was going by myself. 3.4 cubic clay da tintitku such as I properly take and I spent the night and I also MAKAL on Wednesday. Creasing alone was not difficult, but everyone I had to shovel dirt in wheelbarrows, and then I crush a team peppered inequalities in land and udupaval it. And it occupied the time and it was a chore. Overall, I induces 81 wheelbarrows.

earthworms could not manage to wonder why they are suddenly in three pieces. But in their nervous system LIMIT HOLD'EM them about this very mind. Evolution is perfectly resolved, taka nervovka into clay fit perfectly. I would take it during digging. As I say we Easterners: "No brain, no pain." Another genocide waiting to cervical rozvozenej dirt, where for them zgustli cviriky. And those, in turn, enjoyed cats hidden in the grass is still too low. And I zRAL parks. Well, looks like the following food chain.

Everything I managed, I like. After the holidays are cemented to the foot columns, sprinkle with blacktop and set the sutra on the pavement. Inscription.

Altánok, kopanie základov. Altánok, kopanie základov.
Altánok, kopanie základov. Altánok, kopanie základov.
Altánok, kopanie základov. Altánok, kopanie základov.
Altánok, kopanie základov. Altánok, kopanie základov.
Altánok, kopanie základov. Altánok, kopanie základov.
Altánok, kopanie základov. Altánok, kopanie základov.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Atm Hacking Devices Can You Cheat A Atm Machine?

Modeling and visualization table II. part - through visualization vray

there is a second continuation of our series where the modeling and visualizing a work table in 3ds Max. In today's part shall prepare material for our table, UVW map and set the final settings for rendering.

will focus today on the Vray renderer developed by chaosgroup, which is globally the most popular external renderer. If you do not have Vray so you can download it demo pages chaosgroup . Renderer change the way that we walk to the rendering settings "F10" and the tab will move to common card Assign Render and the square next to the production click and choose our renderer vray.

study to visualize formation table

inactive if we visualize a 3D object, so we must first decide where you want to visualize, therefore, in what environment. We have many to choose options. We can visualize the object in its set up like environment. inactive bedroom, part or street manners potting visualize the object in a photograph or inactive visualize single product where the audience draws attention to the product without any disruption inactive object. So the object from the canvas and it is called Visualization Studio.

Like in real life as well as 3ds Max's studio is compiled. Background behind the subject will consist of a canvas object we will be lit by artificial light gives us vray. Our "camera" will in this case, vray camera.

The process of study I have already explained in the tutorial 3D text in 3ds Max and V-ray so we can only summarize it all and will update some data.

true light intensity was set - the multiplier value of 9.0 and light color set to RGB 255, 239, 210

the left light intensity was set - the multiplier value of 8.0 and light color set to RGB 210, 218, 255 and the filler (fill) light is changed as light intensity and 4.0.

Creation vray material

open a compact material editor "M". If you have a version of 3ds max 2011 and more so you can discover the slate material editor. The old compact material editor to switch by offering Modes / Compact material editor.

into the first slot to put vray material by clicking on the button (next to the slot below the list of slots) standard. From the menu select VrayMTL located in card V-ray.

appear to us the settings available for VrayMTL. In the Basic tab parameters we see diffuse group. Diffuse into the channel insert bitmap map (click on the small square next to the diffuse parameter) - and until it can load the texture wood_diffuse.jpg. This channel diffuse us to display the basic material diffuse color.

If we put a bitmap to find ourselves in its settings. In the Coordinates tab tick Use Real - World Scale that can deliver the texture mapping using the real size of the texture. Value changes in the size width and height of 0.3.

I'll be back to editing by VrayMTL GoToParent button which is located in a horizontal row of icons second from right.

The group put duct Reflection Reflect wood_reflect.jpg bitmap. Like in the previous bitmap parameter tick Use Real - World Scale and set the value of size - width and height of 0.3.

The channel Hilight glossines put wood_specular.jpg texture and set the parameters as in previous textures. This texture is defined shape speculárneho glare.

Parameter refl. glossiness to change the value of 0.75 thus achieve a blurred reflection. Value 1 is a sharp reflection of the value of 0.0 is completely blurred reflection. SubDivs parameter set to 16 - we achieve it more accurate calculation of reflection. The latter enable us to remain Fresnel reflection - these parameters ensure that the strength of reflections will be calculated according to camera angle. Click on the small button to unlock L Fresnel IOR parameter where the value is set at 3.0.

Finally, we will move to where the maps tab Hglossiness to change the parameter value to 85 and play into the channel bump texture wood_bump.jpg where to set the corresponding parameters.

material we have done and the only remains we apply it to our table. Material applied to selected objects using the buttons in the Material Editor termed Assign Material to Sellection located in a horizontal row of icons as a third from left. When the material is already applied so you we can see the maps in the editor to work better with UVW mapping object. It serves us to click Show Standard Map in viewport that is located on the fourth horizontal row of icons to the right.

When you map the material at our facility in 98% of the texture will not appear in our house as we represent it. For it to us right texture to show we have set the UVW coordinates for our geometric object. For us to serve modifiers that allow us to edit the UVW coordinates. UVW coordinates - or maps to tell the object where Mapam to display. We will map our Stolik using UVW Mapping modifier.

First on the table to apply a UVW Mapping modifier. In the modify panel we show relevant parameters for this modifier with which Možme edit UVW map. In the parameters tab and group mapping we have seven kinds of mapping. We choose a type of box and go to menu podobjektového Gizmo. Around the table we orandžový box in that menu podobjektovom Gizmo Možme transformed by transforming the basic tools in 3ds Max, and to shift, rotation and size. In our case, our gizmo rotates 90 degrees so that the rings to go along the top plate.

If we have correctly recorded rings and texture size so we can right-click the stack of modifiers for UVW mapping and click the menu to collapse all - that we keep our changes and "bake" UVW coordinates to our model

Možme Next you notice that the vertical plates rings textures goes the wrong direction, they should go vertically rather than horizontally. Strange to denote all the vertical panels and the choice again apply UVW mapping modifier, type, mapping, set the menu box and podobjektovom Gizmo texture shoot in the right direction.

before turning the Gizmo

after rotation Gizmo
Next you will map slide plate. Again we apply the modifier UVW Mapping the slide plate and set him on the parameters of the mapping parameter box and height 7.5 (the plate edges were not right so we had to change this parameter).

It certainly will do in our drawer where you modify parameters of 12.0 Length, Width and Height to 15.0 to 25.0.

simply trapping and dragging the modifier UVW mapping modifier letter from the first drawer to another drawer to copy the modifier, move on to podobjektového menu modifier UVW Mapping to Gizmo and using the shift change position UVW map so as not to same position as the texture of the first drawer.

This would be our UVW mapping table are complete and ready for rendering.

Set rendering

Rendering is an important process that we have our magnificent work got to the final shape. Rendering is the process of smuggling of 3D data, but also materials and lights in a visual form of 2D image. It's still a computationally-intensive process and rendering images may take up to move my whole day. We'll show you how to set the rendering to achieve visual quality and a reasonable time rendering.

to set rendering in 3ds Max to get by pressing "F10" or menu Rendering / Render Setup ..

First you set the output image Common tab in the resolution shall be authorized 1000px x 500px.Presunieme into bookmarks Vray and card V-RAY:: Image sampler (Antialiasing), set the parameter Image sampler type to Adaptive DMC and Antialiasing filter to Catmull - Rom - will provide us with sharp renderings (pictures ). In V-Ray tab: Adaptive DMC image sampler set parameters SubDivs Min and Max to 8 SubDivs to 16 gives us eliminate dark spots on rendery.Prejdeme to bookmarks V-Ray:: Color mapping and set the type mapping of HSV exponential - prevents "overburn" (overexposure - photobleaching) Rendering and maintaining color variety materiálov.V Indirect Illumination tab Set in a group of Ambient occlusion enable the on and SubDivs parameter set to 32 to eliminate noise. This effect cause us to darken the light where the contact surfaces vid. Images:

Ambient occlusion off
Ambient occlusion enabled
Parameters Primary Bounces engine for GL Irradiance map and secondary bounces to the GL engine for Brute Force. The card V-Ray: Irradiance map change the parameter Current preset to Medium and HSP. SubDivs: for value 35th This will allow us more light calculations. We walk into the card V-Ray: Light Cache and Group Calculation parameters set SubDivs 1200 - this parameter indicates how many we send out rays of light from our camera in our scene. Parameter Sample Size - The size of the transmitted sample set for 0002 which we ensure the smooth renderer detail in our scene. Higher numbers speeds up the calculation but at the cost of loss of detail in the rendered image. Selection Show calc phase us in calculating the light cache show light map. In a group of Reconstruction parameters parameter, enable pre-filter and set it to 10 which we take the average of the light cache samples and smoothed by noise that is concentrated mainly on the details objektu.A finally the last parameter we remain Filter that will change the value. These parameters will increase the speed of calculation but at great cost, to a lesser quality, but nebojde - pre-filtering parameters we set to us so that the resulting noise destroy the visual appearance of the resulting picture is still good.