Finally the time has come to something pretty big fashion. Something that would start and advanced modelers helped ozrejmniť basic inorganic modeling techniques. I chose the work because Stolik demonstrates the use of polygonal basic tools such as extrude, connect, chamfer, plane and slice like. These Tutorials you could get the practice environment for modeling in 3ds max, and this you can further develop them. In addition, this tutorial will have more of them and we learn our model to visualize using an integrated Mental Ray Rendering from company Mental Images which is an integral part of 3ds max and one more option and imagine it is popular worldwide external rendering system V-ray from Chaosgroup company. so you have to look forward and we are we can get to work.
First, create a table top using a basic primitive box located in command Panel Create / Geometry / Standard primitive / box and set the values \u200b\u200bfor length (Length): 50, width (Width): 25 and height (Height): 0.4. These modifications we can perform well in Modifly panel to the right of the Create panel. In this panel, we segment the object, so the Length Segs set to 8, Width Segs: 3 Height Segs and may stay the original value of the first
Now we can convert an object to an editable object by clicking the right-mouse button, find the drop-down menu Convert to it and click on Convert to Editable Poly.
Switch to Top view by pressing "T", turn the object to a long side facing down and the panel Create / Shapes / Nurbs Curves / Point Curve to create with a curve under which to create rounded edges stola.Stisneme press "F3" - this is the mode in which the display segments or edges of the model. Click in the lower right corner of the house and pull a curve approximately as shown:
Switch to the Perspective by pressing "P" and mark the edges (Edges) as shown:
Click on the small square next to Chamfer and set Edge Chamfer Amount values \u200b\u200bof 1.2, Connect Edge Segments to 1
switch to the editing points (Vertex), press the F3 to Wireframe mode and adjust the points under the curve
mark the edge as shown by the selection command and create a ring Ring of edges.
To use the function connect edges to create new edges from opposite edges identified. Values \u200b\u200bSegments: 1, Pinch: -50, Slide: -230.
This procedure will use the other side as shown with the values \u200b\u200bof Segments: 1, Pinch: -50, Slide: 230 (it's finished). Furthermore, using the command Ring create new edges and set their values \u200b\u200bSegments: 2, Pinch: -50, Slide: 200 (marked in red).
also denote a vertical edge as shown by the selection tool and Loop, smičku to mark the edges all around.
We apply a set of value function Chamfer Edge Chamfer Amount 0.3, Connect Edge Segments for 1.
As in the previous steps and this will mark the edge and use a selection of Ring and use the Connect Segments with values: 1, Pinch: 0, Slide: -25.
In the last step "edges, create a new function to connect with the values \u200b\u200bof Segments: 1, Pinch: 0, Slide: 70
So we can go and pull out table legs by using Extrude. Most attractive, however, we must identify polygons that we pull out. Switch to editing polygons, we classify the polygons like the picture and use the Extrude command with values \u200b\u200bHeight: 19.5.
denote the two medium-sized polygons, as a function of their nasegmentujeme Slice Plane.
First use the function Slice Plane. After turning the key slice plane, we see a yellow rectangle that shows us vats will cut pass. We can transform the cutting plane as any other object, ie movement, rotation and size. Rez Slice carry out a button. Proceed according to pictures.
By turning of the Slice Plane to the desired position and continue to fragmentation.
Finally, mark the two ends of the polygons, using the Slice Plane try to make the second cut about the thickness of the table.
continued use of the function is Bridge. First, we need to label all sides polygons, but they forget that when on the one hand, denote the number of polygons, on the other hand, must also be the same number of polygons that we správne premostili.
again use Bridge to create a coupling plate.
Let the polygons outside the model and use the Make Plannar in X which we will ensure that the polygons will align in one plane.
Continuing plate on the opposite side, features Slice Plane. These cuts are in the picture are horizontally placed close together.
Polygon that remained between us denote edges and pulled through with the values \u200b\u200bExtrude Height: 2.2.
Let the whole table and rotate it by pressing "E", and using the 'A', we turns snapping feature - we will ensure that the table will rotate the entire value of 5 degrees.
Let the polygons on the protruding part of the table and delete. Switch to the Border regime, the resulting gap will mark the edge, it automatically creates a loop that creates a loop around the greased polygon closure for use Cap. Arose marked polygon, for which we can use the values \u200b\u200bExtrude Height: 0.1.
Switch to subobjects Edges, mark the bottom edges and move them lower than the picture.
create a solid on the back of the drawers. Enough for us simple box with dimensions of length 12, width 16 and height 0.12 and the newly created box in a location
penultimate form them with a sliding plate which located in the middle of the table below.
create a new box of dimensions Length 25.2, width 21.5 and height with 0:48 segmentation Length Segs value to the fourth
Top We walk into view and again through the stretch curve under which we will round out our board.
Then you VBER and vertical edges using the chamfer with a value of 1.5 and segs.1 their arches.
latter we choose the right corner boards and arches it using the chamfer to 1.5 and the fifth segs
last object that you form them will be our šufles.
penultimate form them with a sliding plate which located in the middle of the table below.
create a new box of dimensions Length 25.2, width 21.5 and height with 0:48 segmentation Length Segs value to the fourth
Top We walk into view and again through the stretch curve under which we will round out our board.
Then you VBER and vertical edges using the chamfer with a value of 1.5 and segs.1 their arches.
latter we choose the right corner boards and arches it using the chamfer to 1.5 and the fifth segs
last object that you form them will be our šufles.
For drawer first create a surface which is located in the Create command panel / Geometry / Standard primitive / plane. Assign them a length (Length): 15.7, width (Width): 23, Length Segs set to 4, Width Segs: 4
will use the new feature and it is Inset, which has the task of pulling a new polygon by polygon. Switch to Editable Poly and mark all polygons by using Ctrl + A, and which we apply Inset Amount value: 0.5.
hitting Ctrl + I to invert the selection of polygons, you have to deselect before removing redundant polygons by holding Alt and clicking on them, odznačujte but only those that are away from the table . Up to now I can pull so Extrude polygons - 3.0.
continue deleting a thin strip of polygons created between pulling oblique polygons and use the mouse to compensate for the function X. Make Planar
Create a box - Create / Geometry / Standard primitive / box, length (Length): 16.9, width (Width): 0.862 and height (Height): 4.5 and Length Segs: 1 Width Segs: 1 and Height Segs: 1. Newly established center the object to pretŕčal length thickness table legs.
The connection of these objects, use the Attach function.
Náslende you create a handle for our "šufles. One part handles the ball form, you create a sphere using an object - Create / Geometry / Standard primitive / sphere and Radius values: 0.7 and Segments: 32
to connect the drawer and balls to create a new Cylinder - Create / Geometry / Standard primitive / cylinder - Radius: 0.25, Height: 1.5, Height Segments: 1 , Cap Segments: 1 Sides and 10, The object then centered the ball to the center edge.
Cylinder ball and converted to Editable Poly and use the Attach function for the link. This object is centered in the middle panel (box) and when we're happy again use the Attach link for the overall table with a handle.
Switch to Editable Edges and choose one of the outer edges of the side panel drawer .. Create your choice of ring edges (Ring), and create a new opposite edges (Connect) with values \u200b\u200bSegments : 2, Pinch: -65, Slide: 0
These newly created polygons on the mouse and insert: -0.3. For better effect Switch with Local Group on Normal. We find it of value.
we go from an editable mode so that we in the modifier list (modify panel) illuminates only editable poly, title and possession Shifty and sliding drawer to create a clone. Možosť you have three options - Copy of a copy of the original object without any results and the other two are linked with the original object and the changes will be manifest to all. Copy number is 1
Let all corners of the table, including drawers, and use the chamfer with a value of 0.01 Amount Chamfer Edge, Connect Edge Segments to 1
We have gone the last step and your Stolik should be done at this time. I suppose it should look like the my last screene. If not so do not mind - do not jump out the window and I will give it to the neck when you have a couple of times the table inactive form them, it will look as if they came straight from the factory. Practice is important and it is true that the more you do the better.
me have no other just to say goodbye and thank you for your attention. For questions or inactive write the comment and we'll help you. In the next tutorial we will devote our visualization table using an external rendering system, V-ray.
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