Today kids have everything, though it often does not deserve. So Nina and NASA found itself this week in schools in the country in Jasna. And we finally leave.
Today I was at the cottage with Martin and his father. We arrived here tiles. Rubber hammer and it had enough and on the penultimate Sutri rozsypalo (the picture).
After vyskarovani it looks quite decently. Este then position the vibration plate and it definitely udupem.
I bought in Lidl in action welder and father showed me how to use and pozvaral broken swings and engraved.
trap moles finally worked. But did not catch the mole, but some water vole water. Could not already very well identified. What I read about him, so with all the vermin it's probably the greatest bastard. A That would explain my kapajuce trees and shrubs. Well, this catches me happier.
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