Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stronger Than Wife Husband

ginger (ginger) tea

I have to share a positive experience. It prechdne period, each smokli and cough. Excellent relief is ginger tea. Indeed. I, as a technocrat, I have in general rather radical treatment - surgery, injections, pills, booze:) But this tea is really fast and noticeable effect. The recipe I have from here :


1 l water, 1 piece whole cinnamon, cloves 5 pcs, 1 Article anise, 1 / 2 grated fresh Ďumbier pl (at normal gross root su to about 2-3 cm ), 2-3 tbsp honey, 1 / 2 ea lemon

preparation procedure

Let the water boil in a pot with cloves, anise and cinnamon. Then add fresh grated ginger and let boil 5 minutes. After weaning leave even 5 minutes dolúhovať. Precedíme tea, cool below 44C season with honey and lemon juice.

Tea is a little pungent, but our team with Nina does not have a big problem. Young children, therefore, may be enough shred less Ďumbier.

Fresh ginger (who buys in Bohemia, whether looking for ginger), I discovered quite recently. Do I have found that until I lived in darkness, when I used dried. This is a unique fresh flavor. It was the air in the streets of Peru and in India. I use it in different dishes.


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